Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Post Flooding Debrief

Wow. That was a wild storm. I hope book club members are drying out and that no one sustained any damage.

I suggest that the next book club meeting cover both the July and August books. Is this ok with everyone?

Note that Natalie and I have switched hosting months: I will host in September and Natalie will host in November. And on the logistics front, let's make sure that we exchange numbers and emails so that we can improve communication channels when we need it.


Nats said...

Agreed about combining the discussions. I hope that means an extra day at the cottage :)

My email is natalie.mullins@gowlings.com

My cell number is 416-725-5415.
Although, neither was functional in the heat of the storm...

Christine said...

Aw what no rain delay?