Thursday, April 29, 2010

May Book Club Meeting: TUESDAY May 4

Hello everyone,

I am back in Toronto and looking forward to hosting the group for a discussion on "In Defence of Food" this coming Tuesday May 4 (note date change as requested by Elva).

I am planning on hosting at my apartment but would love to know who all is coming... if there is the off chance that EVERYONE can attend I may move the location to a restaurant that can more comfortably fit the group since, as some of you recall, my place is a bit wee!

So kindly RSVP by Sunday to this blog or so I have an idea of numbers. Thanks!

Expect a selection of real FOOD to nosh on. :)

My address:
195 Madison Ave, Ste A -- back door entrance.
(1 blck E of Spadina, between Bernard and Dupont. Note street is one way N from Bernard.)
One parking spot is avail in back of house (middle spot), otherwise on street.
my phone # 416-995-0344.

Barb M.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cityline Fashion Friday

Put this date and time in your calenders, Friday July 23 at 9:30am. I've booked 9 seats for the bookclub. Please let me know ahead of time if you will not be able to make it. The best part of seeing fashion Friday is leaving with a ton of free goodies.

Monday, April 19, 2010

May 3rd Book Cub

Hi again.

I hope everyone is enjoying this month's book. I was going to ask everyone for a favour and especially Barb M. who is hosting this month's book club. My last cooking class falls on Monday, May 3rd and was wondering if it would be O.K. to switch it to the Tuesday, May 4th??? I know it's a big favour to ask Barb. I was really hoping my class would be over by that Monday but Easter Monday moved us up 1 week as well.

Just thought I'd put it out there .. if it doesn't work out I totally understand and if that's the case I do apologize in advance for not being able to facilitate.

All the best everyone, can't wait to catch up.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

April's book: IN DEFENSE OF FOOD by Michael Pollan

Hi Everyone,

I can't believe it's my book choice already. It came up so fast. My choice for this month is IN DEFENSE OF FOOD - An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollan, who also authored The Omnivor's Dilema. It's availabe in paperback - I hope you all enjoy it. Looking forward to returning to bookclub in May.