Monday, January 29, 2018

February Book Club

Carmen Maria Machado's book of short stories, Her Body and Other Parties, will be under the microscope on Monday, February 5 at my house. Street parking is available but not assured.

I know someone doesn't do shellfish or red meat and others are vegetarian. Anything I'm forgetting?

Let me know if you are coming. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

February Book Selection

Hello Book Club!

I'm so sorry to have missed last night. Carolyn informed me it was a night of enthusiastic debate!

I hope my book choice will prove as interesting. I have selected a(nother) collection of short stories:

"Her Body and Other Parties" by Carmen Maria Machado

I look forward to seeing you all next month!


Monday, January 8, 2018

Happy 2018!

What a wonderful start to another year of passionate discussion around life and the books we read!  Carolyn thank you for hosting and toasting the new year... that lemon meringue was the best ever! 

Julia is selecting next months book... stay tune for her selection.  Jane is hosting and will send details prior.  In the meantime stay warm, read lots and apparently watch award shows as they spark great conversations!