Wednesday, April 25, 2012

It gets better

for those of you struggling with the book like I was..... just wait until you get to the story of the Standoverman. It is AMAZING! I'm enjoying the book a lot more since.

Monday, April 23, 2012

No Pulitzer Prize for fiction this year,0,1709808.story

Monday, April 2, 2012

The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak

Dawn - it was an amazing meal you put together for tonight and a wonderful book club discussion. Even though I didn't like the book I LOVED tonight's discussion that went from parenting and discipline to speeding tickets to a man's POV of good sex... Never a quiet moment in this book club!

Next month's book is The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak. See you all in May.

Is anyone able to switch hosting date to June?

Just wondering if anyone is able to switch hosting months... I'm due to host in June but it's a bit of a crazy month and if I could switch to September or October that would be great, if not no worries.

Elva & Jacqueline I think you guys are September and October so if it's possible let me know if not we'll leave hosting as planned. Thanks ahead of time. Marney.