Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Introductions. Welcome.

September is often about new beginnings: back to school; change of seasons and sometimes new challenges. It is in this spirit that we welcome new members to our book club. We are looking forward to meeting you.

At the book club, we normally eat, drink and talk; not necessarily in that order. The person who selected the book will come to the meeting with questions or discussion points to focus our comments. While there is some structure, no one is required to write a paper or answer every question. Discussions range from the book we read to our lives and other experiences. So much depends on your perspective.

I would like to suggest an exercise to help everyone learn a little more about each other and to let the new folks practice their blogging skills.

Can everyone comment to this post with a response to two questions?
1. Returning members - What am I looking forward to in this years book club? New members - What am I looking forward to from this book club?
2. My favorite book is .....


barbara donaldson said...

I'm looking forward to new dynamics in the group with the addition of new members.

A Prayer for Owen Meaney

Christine said...
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Christine said...

I'm looking forward to meeting our new members who will enrich our club with new perspectives, opinions, personalities and culinary contributions! My favourite book last year was "One Day". My all time favourite book is "Gone with the Wind"!

Stephanie Springgay said...

Hello everyone, I'm excited to join your book club, to meeting new friends and to discussing some great reads! I have many fav books, but recently loved "The Namesake".

Marney said...

I love to read but have never been in a book club... I'm a little nervous to be honest so I'm glad to know there's no report due nor grades at the end! Need to fess up now if I don't like a book I'm hard pressed to finish reading it... just seems like there are so many other books to read so why read something you don't enjoy! Promise to read the books on the list though even if I do hate a book if only to say I hate it!

Favourite book... hmmm.... Rush Home Road by Lori Lansen and then there's always Harry Potter but I work in kids TV so you can't fault me for liking kids literature!

Elva said...

I am looking forward to welcoming Jacqueline who will be returning to our bookclub after her 5 years abroad -- and welcoming our newest book club members.

I have so many favourite reads it's hard to pin point one -- I guess I'll say "The Red Tent" was one of my favourite picks from past bookclub.

carolyn said...

I'm looking forward to all of the different views and opinions on the books we read.

My favorite book recently is, The Road by Cormac Mccarthy

Laura said...

I'm Looking forward to a new year, I have loved every minute of book club, so I know as our club continues to evolve it will continue to be awesome. My favourite book of our club's selections without a doubt is "Shadow of the wind" It is also the book I most recommend.

Babs said...

I'm looking forward to meeting the new members too for all the same reasons stated above!

Its hard to pick a favourite but a standout book for me in recent memory was "Let the Great World Spin".

Nats said...

I'm looking forward to getting to know the newcomers and hearing the different perspectives on the various reads.

Recent favorite book: Shadow of the Wind.

Marney said...

Just came from the TD children's literacy awards and the winner of the big award (25$k prize) was "Plain Kate" by Erin Bow. I figure it's always good for all of us to stay young knowing what's cutting edge in children's literature which is why I'm sharing this info! They gave everyone copies of the book so I'll read it and report back.