Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Absolutely Perfect!

Thanks Carolyn and Marc for hosting a magical evening on your deck. The meal and the atmosphere couldn't have been any better. And there was cake!

We had a wonderful discussion with Terry Fallis about his book "The Best Laid Plans." Terry was exceedingly gratious as he answered our questions and read a passage from his novel. He talked about his love of language and the political system, about finding time to wirte and how he structured his book. We found out that he, like us also really enjoyed "A Prayer for Owen Meaney." He is working on book #3 which will feature a PR flack.


Christine said...

Thanks again Carolyn and Mark for a lovely evening. Carolyn can you post the recipe for your wonderful cake?!!

faith Orfus said...

Hi ladies,
Does anyone know what this months book is?