Sunday, July 4, 2010


sorry for the last minute notice, but I need to change the venue for the meeting tomorrow!

The new location is the new Cinquecento Trattoria at 109 Atlantic Ave in Liberty Village - it is right beside the West Elm store, and has a black awning. There is lots of parking in the Metro parking lot - the other spots have 20 minute limit and they have been ticketing a lot...

Antipasto and pizzas are on me!


It is supposed to be a beautiful today so the patio there will be perfect.


barbara donaldson said...

I'll see you all there.

Natalie Mullins said...

I'll be there.

Babs said...

Looking forward to it.

Laura said...

I loved the book, rushed to finish it last night. I have to cancel for tonight my mom is here babysitting while I am off to Lisa's wedding dress fitting she was going to stay for soccer tonight but has decided it is too hot. So I have to go to Alex's soccer because William can't be on the sidelines by himself Dave is the coach. Sorry Gang, I'll post to the blog for the cottage with directions and all.