Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A possible change for March?

Hi fellow book club members. My friend and writer Sharon Butala is coming for a visit in March. She is speaking at the public library March 10. Right now she has not set her arrival date, but I could try to persuade her to arrive March 7 and be at our book club IF we wanted to take a break from the plan and read her new book, Wild Rose. It's had rave reviews and is really a great story.
Sharon is a wonderful writer and would be a treat. Should I go for it? Feel free to say no. Being a new member, I don't know if it is terribly rude to request a plan change.


barbara donaldson said...

Works for me and I'm happy to host. Is this okay with everyone else ?

Marney said...

I love to take advantage of any opportunity to hear an author talk about their book... I vote yes, plus the book sounds great!

Miriana said...

Yes. Totally works for me!

Jane Cawthorne said...

Okay, this sounds marvelous. So it is Sharon Butala's Wild Rose for March 7. Barb, since I am stealing your book pick, you steal mine back in March. I'm excited to introduce you all to Sharon. She's really wonderful. This is her site. You will enjoy her. If it would be okay with everyone, I'd like to offer a short introduction of her and her work. And I'll bring a little gift for her for coming. I couldn't be more excited.

Nats said...

already sent an email - sounds terrific