Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Hi All.

Bookclub is at my house on Monday and I cannot wait to see you all.

1028 Queen Street East.

Black door with graffiti on it - it will be open -- come in and up stairs.  Reminder that the stairs are not to code.

Please let me know if you are coming.  Does everyone like Mexican?

I was hoping to be on the patio but as I drove home through in a hail 'storm' last evening I decided that was not apt to happen.  Instead we will stay inside by the fireplace.  It's May for goodness sake.

Finally, I do know that the plant in my living room is deadish and ugly.  I cannot tell you how many people have pointed this out.  It was neglected when I was in Indonesia and struggling to come back.  It too needs the patio to open.

See you soon.


Marney said...

Unfortunately I can't attend (my mom is in town) I look forward though to hear what everyone thought of the book... I love/hated it! Here's hoping you are all sitting on Carol's back patio complaining of heat nursing her plant back to health!

Jane Cawthorne said...

See you Monday!

barbara donaldson said...

In coming. Yes to Mexican food and here’s hoping I’m biking over

Christine said...

I will be there! Happy to catch up with everyone - sorry I will miss you Marney.
Yes to Mexican food.

carolyn said...


Barb, I love your idea of cycling over.

I love mexican and have a tendency to horde the guacamole for myself. I will not feel offended if you elbow me out of the way.