Thursday, April 28, 2016

Book Club Monday May 2 at Casa Reali

Looking forward to hosting everyone on Monday May 2, 2016 at 114 Grace Street.
Please make sure you don't park in front of my house (you will get ticketed). Please park south of Mansfield (stop sign in Front of Church).
Discussion of Tram 83 by Fiston Mwanza Mujila led by Carol
Please RSVP!

NOTE: Laura you will be presenting next month's book!


Jane Cawthorne said...

Hi. Looking forward to it. Can anyone pick me up? I'm kind of not driving much. Will offer details in private message.

barbara donaldson said...

I'm in. I haven't made much headway on the book but there is always the weekend. See you Monday.

Marney said...

I'll be there... Still working on the book but like Barb said there's still the weekend!

carolyn said...

I'll be there. I plan on starting the book on the weekend.

Miriana said...

Unfortunately, I can't make it this time. Enjoy everyone and see you next month!

Jane Cawthorne said...

Hi. I have to take it back. I'm not going to make it. Sorry about that.

Julia said...


Apologies for not responding sooner - I'll be there!


Julia said...

Hi Christine,

I'm sorry to do this last minute but I won't be able to make it tonight. I was really looking forward to hearing what everyone thought of the book!

Laura said...

I will be there Jane do you still need a ride im leaving in 10 minutes i can get you on the way