I am back in Toronto and looking forward to hosting the group for a discussion on "In Defence of Food" this coming Tuesday May 4 (note date change as requested by Elva).
I am planning on hosting at my apartment but would love to know who all is coming... if there is the off chance that EVERYONE can attend I may move the location to a restaurant that can more comfortably fit the group since, as some of you recall, my place is a bit wee!
So kindly RSVP by Sunday to this blog or barbmarg@gmail.com so I have an idea of numbers. Thanks!
Expect a selection of real FOOD to nosh on. :)
My address:
195 Madison Ave, Ste A -- back door entrance.
(1 blck E of Spadina, between Bernard and Dupont. Note street is one way N from Bernard.)
One parking spot is avail in back of house (middle spot), otherwise on street.
my phone # 416-995-0344.
Barb M.